Transfiguration of Our Lord
We are God’s instruments who strive to grow by sharing and nurturing our joint commitment to Christ’s message of love, and by committing ourselves to serve the needs of the parish as stewards for the sake of God’s kingdom
"Bulletin Briefs"
Participants will learn and deepen their understanding and skills in the art of prayer. Contact Ana Orellana [email protected] for more information. Starts Feb.19 with a cost $20.
Looking for adults to bake cookies, brownies, etc…, for the youth group. Water and juices welcome. Contact Sr. Patricia Melanson at [email protected]
The casseroles are picked up on the last Sunday of each month and are put to good use by the Good Shepherd Centre in Toronto. Your support is much needed.
Please support the Knights of Columbus “Coats for Kids” program so that no child in our community goes without a coat this winter. Donation envelopes found in the front of the church.
The CWL’s Christmas get together will take place on Monday, December 16th at 6:30pm in the parish hall. Service pins will be presented.
The Outreach program will be collecting men’s new underwear, socks, pants, winter coats, hats, scarves, gloves and toiletry items. Please drop any donations in the parish office.
Novena for Cancer All are welcome to join us for Mass every Tuesday at 9:30am. After the Mass, we pray a novena to Saint Michael of the Saints: A Trinitarian mystic and patron saint of cancer patients.
Perpetual Adoration Chapel is open 24 hours. Please use your assigned keypad access code to gain entry to the front doors of the Church.
Mary, Ark of the Covenant
Mary is the new Ark of the Covenant, before which the child, John the Baptist, expresses his joy. From the child the action of the Spirit is also transmitted to Elizabeth his mother, which leads her to recognize the Mother of the Lord in Mary. Under the inspiration of the Spirit, Elizabeth knows the mystery of the angel’s message to her cousin Mary and recognizes her as “happy/blessed” because of the the faith with which she received it. Elizabeth’s testimony is the most ancient testimony of the veneration of the early Church for the Mother of the Savior.